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1. What Are You Putting Your Faith In?
The God of Love? The Creator of all things? Or Historical Science? Observable Science does not take faith. It is the science we use today to develop technology. What is Historical Science? Can it be proven scientifically? What is the mechanism in nature that drives things to increased compexity? That developed the human ear? the eye? our brain? Where are all the fossils and bones for the missing links that Darwin said should exist for evolution to be true? In 150 years scientists have collected only a pickup truck load of fossils and bones that are believed to be, but not proven to be, missing links. None of these are anywhere close to a full skeleton. It has been said that putting your faith in evolution is like believing a tornado could create a 747 out of a junkyard of parts. What are You going to put your faith in? Want to find out more? Please visit these links for more information:
We are assembling a library of DVD's from the Institute of Creation Research (ICR), Answers in Genesis (AIG), and other sources. These are available free of charge for one month at a time.
Our current titles include:
*Highly Recommended
New Release: Unlocking The Mysteries Of Genesis* - 12 volume set - from ICR
1. The Passion of The Christ *
2. In the Beginning Was Information
3. A Question of Origin *
4. Where Did God Come From
5. Dinosaurs By Design
6. Unlocking the Mystery of Life *
7. Dynamic Life; Changes In Living Things
8. The Age of the Earth
9. Fearfully and Wonderfully Made *
10. The Hearing Ear and the Seeing Eye
11. Chemicals to Living Cell, Fantasy or Science
12. The Mammoth and the Ice Age
13. Aliens, UFO's and the Bible
14. Languages-The Bible Versus Evolution
15. Inherently Wind-A Hollywood History of the Scopes Trial
16. Frankensteins-Foods and Fetuses
17. Creation Astronomy
18. Genesis, Babel and Chinese Language
19. The Genesis Debate
20. Incredible Creations That Defy Evolution vol. 1, 2 &3 *
21. The Blind Watch Maker
22. The Image of God
23. How Well Designed Was Noah's Arc?
24. Icons of Evolution
25. From a Frog to a Prince
(Call for availability- 410-838-8299)