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About HCM
Harvest Chapel Mission (HCM) is a 501c-3 non-profit, founded in 2004. Our vision is to bring glory to God and to assist those in need through development of sustainable technologies. We are developing a multi-purpose farm vehicle called “The Empower-train” to help small farmers around the world. We plan to bring several vehicles to Orphanages in Uganda, for field-testing, in the near future. We are also developing a modular steel building system for low cost housing. These structures can be erected with hand labor in 2-3 days, and will be able to survive hurricane force winds. These modular structures will also be suitable for building water towers, lightweight bridges, and other structures needed within a community.
These sustainable technologies will be on display at “The Gardens at HCM” in the near future. We will also be establishing a large garden and offering information on Horticultural Therapy to benefit those in our local community. We will also be selling flowers and herbs grown at the gardens, along with unique pottery and wrought iron garden items, to raise charitable funds.
Past HCM projects include sending seeds and drip irrigation tape to a pastor in Uganda to help support local farmers, sending a local high school student to volunteer with Christian Appalachian Project, sponsoring a Hugs Not Drugs workbook and T-shirt program with local youth, raising funds for the American Cancer Society and a local child with cancer.
With your help and contributions, we hope to continue our support of projects within our community and the support of missions around the world.
In Faith with Hope,
Mark Fisher (Director)